AGM – Tue 28 Jan 2025 (7.30pm)

Venue: St Martins Chapel & Parish Hall, 9 Broadway, Fulwood PR2 9TH

We will hold our annual general meeting on Tues 28th January 2025. It’s an important one this year as two of our long serving committee members will be taking a step back from their roles. Both the Chairman and Treasurer roles will need to be filled for the group to continue.

Do you have an interest in the comings and goings of Conway Park? Have you noticed the improvements that have been made since the group started back in 2015? Do you want to help this continue? Maybe you’re recently retired and have time on your hands… or the kids have gone off to Uni and you’ve an empty nest? Perhaps you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to do some volunteering?

We’re a nice, friendly bunch and everyone is here to support one another. We have meetings every couple of months and the odd social event too.

We’ve already got plans upcoming for 2025…. we’ve secured funding for Preston City Council to complete the perimeter footpath at the north end of the park to to run from the railway bridge steps eastbound to meet the existing ‘brook-side’ path. Lancashire County Council will also be conducting a full refurbishment of the railway bridge steps, to include installation of drainage, improved tarmac surfacing (that won’t wash away) and handrails. Thirdly, we’ve secured £8k of funding towards Phase 3 of the Play Area improvements, which will go towards resurfacing and refurbishing equipment nearest to the Pavilion Building – this likely to be 2026 to fit in with PCC improvement schedules.

The Friends of Conway Park are one of the most successful and active ‘Friends Groups’ in the Preston area. However, we can only succeed with input from our local community. Come and join us.

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