Concept plan Consultation Report

Here is a summary of the results from the initial public consultation of the Draft Plan for the proposed Conway Park improvements:
51% of respondents currently visit the park at least once a week with 84% saying they would visit weekly if there were better facilities…..55% said they would visit daily when improvements were implemented. 89% were satisfied overall with the Concept Plan. The top three elements that people liked were the play area/teen equipment, the path around the park and the cycle path. The top three elements they disliked were concerns about retaining some of the old play equipment, the cycle path and conflict between dog walkers and footballers/cyclists. (It’s obvious at this point that there is a bit of a conflict about the cycle path). The top three features that respondents wanted to add to the plan were picnic benches/areas, bins and a natural play area. 69% of respondents completing the survey were female.
Of the children’s survey, 72% scored the plan as 8 or more. The top three elements that they wanted to change were more seating, only use new equipment in the play area and to include a climbing wall.
These responses, as well as the various other methods of feedback we have received will be passed back to the park planners and a second draft will be made available for public consultation again (probably in June). Once again, we ask that you feedback your thoughts when this revised plan comes out.