About Us
We are a group that formed in 2015 with the primary aim to work for the benefit of Conway Park. Membership is open to all and there will be regular meetings held. We have appointed 3 key people/positions to steer the group: Chairperson Geoff Rand, Treasurer Richard Prescott, Secretary Caroline Bilsborough and there are currently several other members.
Conway Park is in the ownership of Preston City Council (PCC) and as such, the final responsibility for the regular maintenance, upkeep and well-being of flora, fauna, fixtures & fittings lie with PCC. Any suggestions put forward by ‘The Friends’ must be approved in writing by the Council.
Our group’s aim is to foster a healthy and constructive relationship with PCC and all activities will be for the benefit of all who use or pass through the park, as well as the residents of the surrounding area (both residential and business). We shall seek funding from whatever source, including voluntary labour and services to subsidise improvements where needed. We may and shall organise public events if it benefits the furtherence of our objectives and will be mindful of PCC’s strategic aims and objectives.