Category Archives: Updates

Phase 2 playground improvements

You may have noticed that some fencing has been placed around the playground in the few days. Phase 2 improvements are due to commence imminently. The roundabout will be removed and replaced with one suitable for wheelchair users. There will be three new springers and

Footpath resurfacing works

Works have commenced to resurface the footpaths in and around the park. The footpath from Lightfoot Lane to the Sharoe brook bridge (parallel to the railway line) has been closed off today whilst heavy plant machinery is working. Please take care over the next few

Anti Social Behaviour

We recently had a meeting with our local Police Community Support Officers regarding anti social behaviour in and around the park – stones and bottles being thrown, drug use on the park and drug running down the ginnel on Conway Drive, damage to the pavilion

Newsletter Nov 21

FOCP COMMITTEE – What have we been up to? It might not look like ‘The Friends’ have been doing anything major in the last few months, but rest assured we have been trying to plug away on various things behind the scenes.  Back in Spring

Article in the Lancs Eve Post

The Lancashire Evening Post wrote a great article about us back in September 2020, providing a good insight into our activities and what we’re all about. Click on the link below…….

AGM Report

With regret, FOCP have to announce that our AGM, usually held every November, has been cancelled due to the Covid 19 restrictions. Although the public meeting will no longer be possible, the current Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer have all agreed to continue in their respective

Playground Improvements

Work has commenced on the playground, with some of the old equipment being removed and replaced by newer more exciting stuff.  Drainage will also be improved.  Weather permitting, this should be complete by Xmas…. what a lovely gift for us all!

The Great Get together & Balsam Bash

On Saturday June 15th, the Friends Of Conway Park hosted their Annual Balsam Bash & Litter Pick in Conway Park playing fields in Fulwood Preston.  This year the event was affiliated to the Jo Cox Foundation, for the promotion of Communities coming together.  The Co-Op, through

NEWSLETTER – March 2019

NEWSLETTER – MARCH 2019 FOCP COMMITTEE – What have we been up to? Since our last newsletter in August 2018, we have held two events: ·        A Picnic in the Park & Family Fun Day was on the Bank Holiday Weekend (Sunday 26th August).   Quite honestly, it

Achievements to date!

Conway Park consists of not only the playing field, but also of a section of Sharoe Brook, together with the woodland and pathways surrounding it.   Over the years, the children’s play area has been ignored and left in need of resurfacing and refurbishment.  The pathways