Achievements to date!

Conway Park consists of not only the playing field, but also of a section of Sharoe Brook, together with the woodland and pathways surrounding it. Over the years, the children’s play area has been ignored and left in need of resurfacing and refurbishment. The pathways were mostly a mud bath in wet weather and really only suitable if wearing your wellies! Himalayan Balsam was taking over and the natural wild plants were disappearing.
FRIENDS OF CONWAY PARK (FOCP) came together their first formal meeting in June 2015. Achievements since then:
- June Himalayan Balsam removal.
- September Previous muddy pathway along the brook which had narrowed over the years has been resurfaced from Belton Hill to the railway bridge and beyond to Walker Lane.
- November Work finished on the main path.
- December An FOCP introductory Christmas Greeting leaflet delivered to 3000 homes in the local area.
- February First Public Consultation began.
- March First Public Consultation ends.
- April Concept Plan Consultation report.
- May ‘Balsam Bash’. Hot Pot Supper fundraising event.
- June ‘Balsam Bash’.
- July ‘Balsam Bash’.
- September FOCP Annual General Meeting… Picnic In The Park event.
- October 3 x Benches donated by FOCP installed by PCC.
- March Fashion Show Fundraising Sell Out Event held.
- Completion of path works from the Railway bridge to Tom Benson Way. path widened, resurfaced & all overhanging trees cut back or removed. Extra stone laid under the railway bridge to improve the surface.
- April 4 th Fulwood Scout Group Voluntary Litter Pick around the park.
- May First Public Consultation begins.
- First ‘Welcome to Conway Park’ sign erected at entrance near Belton Hill.
- June Remaining 3 welcome boards erected.
- Second Consultation completed. >350 questionnaires returned.
- July Repairs carried out to footbridges and safety handrails fitted.
- ‘Balsam Bash’ completed with help of 15 volunteers.
- August ‘Picnic In The Park’ & Fun Dog Show Event held with over 250 people from the local community in attendance.
- September/October Pathways maintained to original 2m width by PCC Parks dept. Grass mown & overgrown shrubs attended to by PCC. Limited maintenance plan agreed with PCC for 2018.
- November Second FOCP Annual General Meeting at Broughton Cricket Club. Conway Drive access ginnel added to PCC grass cutting programme for 2018.
- December 2000 Crocus bulbs planted by FOCP.
- January Budget secured for 25 additional trees to be planted around the park. (planting delayed due to pending drainage works by Cadley FC).
- March Second Fashion Show event held. Again, a sell out event.
- May 4 th Fulwood Scouts Litter Pick.
- Balsam Bash.
- June Community Balsam Bash.
- July Handrail repairs to bridge over the brook initiated.
- August Picnic In The Park event held.
- November Third FOCP AGM and Cheese & Wine Evening hosted by FOCP.
- 14 Trees planted in Conway Park.
WHO’S WHO… Chairman: Geoff Rand. Treasurer: Richard Prescott. Secretary : Caroline Bilsborough. Committee Members: Norman Bilsborough, Kay Jackson, Sylvie Rand, Anne Richardson, Carol Vinaccia, Joe Heaney, Margaret Lodge.
If you need to contact us, email us at New members always welcome.
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