Category Archives: Pathways

Coronation Walk planting

We are delighted to announce the completion of the Coronation Walk first phase development in the north end of the park. We have now successfully created three large flower borders, one around each of the three benches which are all supplied with flagged stone bases.

New footpaths now open

We were extremely proud to ‘officially’ open the new footpaths last week. It’s taken a lot of effort to raise the funds and get this project complete but already the paths are being well used so it seems to be worth it.

Newsletter Nov 21

FOCP COMMITTEE – What have we been up to? It might not look like ‘The Friends’ have been doing anything major in the last few months, but rest assured we have been trying to plug away on various things behind the scenes.  Back in Spring

New Village Parklands

It’s great to see that works are continuing on the new Village Parklands scheme. This new public space, on the former Ingol Golf Course will provide a fantastic new public pathway leading from the railway bridge up to Wychnor. Contractors on site will be creating

Belton Hill to Railway path to be completed today

The Lancashire County Council contractors are back this week. They will hopefully complete the Belton-Hill to the Railway bridge footpath today. They will then start on the footpath running along the brook from the Railway to Walker Lane.

Work resumes!

Works have resumed this week and the path has been relaid from the railway bridge up to the brow of the hill level with the park. Hopefully the rain will stay away and let the ground crew get a decent amount done before Xmas.

Rain halts work temporarily

Works on the path have been halted temporarily due to the large volume of rain recently. The stone on the paths can’t be compressed when the ground is so completely sodden. Its unfortunate as we were hoping that we’d have a completed path by xmas.

Footpath works are go!

As promised, LCC have commenced works to the footpath. There are signs in place requesting that everyone avoids the area temporarily, especially where they have started between the ginnel and Belton Hill. Please take care whilst these works are carried out.