Cheese & Wine Evening (inc 3rd AGM)
We are hosting a complimentary Cheese & Wine Evening to which you are all invited.
Tues 20th Nov ’18. Starts 7.30pm. Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club.
This will run in conjunction with our 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) and will be to thank our supporters for their help and assistance in fundraising and other activities (eg balsam bashing).
If you would like to attend this event, for catering purposes, please register your interest via our Facebook Page or email us on
Alcohol will not be served to under 18’s. This event will not use funds donated for Conway Park refurbishments (we have secured alternative funding).
If you are a user of the park or have attended our other events, please support us by attending this event.
Event address: Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Club, Lightfoot Green Lane, PR4 0AP.