£50K by May
We’ve launched our 2021 Fund-Raising Campaign!
The past few months have shown us the value of Conway Park in maintaining our physical and mental wellbeing. With your help we can make what is a great local ‘green space’ even better!
Already, we have completed the First Phase of improvements to the children’s play area. This included drainage, new surfacing & new improved equipment for older children, at a cost of £45,000.
The Second Phase will provide better and more accessible equipment for younger children, for which we need to raise £25,000.
We also want to introduce a new footpath, from the play area to the pavilion and then running along the west side of the park (parallel with the railway) to join up with the existing woodland path (the Belton Hill to Walker Lane path). This will benefit everyone using the park – children, walkers, dog-walkers, Cadley FC’s spectators etc – by providing an ‘all-weather’ surface by which to get from one end of the park to the other. The anticipated cost of this new section of footpath is £25,000.
You can make a donation in one of 3 ways…
1) Use our crowdfunding page on The Good Exchange website – get to the ‘Donate Now’ button by clicking on this link below….
2) Make your donation through PayPal. Our treasurer, Richard Prescott has set up a PayPal account which transfers directly into the Friends of Conway Park bank account. Log into your PayPal account and search for friendsofconwaypark@gmail.com or click on the link below. paypal.me/friendsofconwaypark
3) Send a cheque (payable to “The Friends of Conway Park”) to 23 Conway Drive, Fulwood, PR2 3EN.
We know that these are tough times for many. However, if you use the park and are able to help with our fundraising campaign, please do donate whatever you can, so that we can get these improvements made.