Footpath works are go!

As promised, LCC have commenced works to the footpath. There are signs in place requesting that everyone avoids the area temporarily, especially where they have started between the ginnel and Belton Hill. Please take care whilst these works are carried out.

Myerscough students help out with nature trail

We are currently in discussions with four students from Myerscough College to gain some recommendations with regards to a proposed Nature Trail along the brook. Let us know what you think about this idea.

Extra funding found

We have been informed that the County Council have sourced some extra funding and will commence works to address the pathway from Walker Lane through to Belton Hill starting with immediate effect. Fingers crossed and weather depending, we might have a completed pathway by the

It’s all seems a bit quiet…

It might not seem like anything much is happening at the moment, but your Friends group is working hard behind the scenes gathering info and ideas to put forward to you, the local community. We’ll be in touch in the New Year with some proposals,

Work on footpath resumes

Fantastic to see work resuming on the footpath again this week. It has now been scraped back along the full section from the railway bridge to Belton Hill and is much easier to walk along. The next phase of laying the wooden sides and filling

Next Balsam Bash – 16 June 2015

The second Balsam Bash session is tomorrow at 7pm,  meeting at the railway bridge. Hopefully we will get as good a turnout as last week… There is certainly a lot of this dreaded undesired plant to get rid of! Make sure you bring thick gloves

Great turn out for the Balsam Bash!

Great turn out for the balsam bashing this evening. Local councillors Rowena Edmondson and Dave Hammond also turned up to support us and get stuck in! We tackled the section along the path from the railway bridge towards the park. The bank was particularly steep